jQuery load() Method - CodingTag

jQuery load()


  • This jQuery function is worked when the load event occurs or it binds an event handler with the element when a load event occurs.
  • A load event happens when a specific HTML DOM element is loaded to the page.
  • This method mainly works for the elements which contain URL property for example: image, script, frame, iframe, and window objects.
  • If the image is cached, the load event does not occur, which is the major problem with some browsers like Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Related Topics:

jQuery hover
jQuery mouseup

jQuery load()


$(selector). load(function);

Parameter description:

  • function: It represents the function to run when the loading of the specific HTML element is done.


<title> jQuery Example </title>
<script type = "text/javascript"
alert("Page loaded successfully");

<h2> jQuery load() method Example </h2>
<p>An alert box is open when the loading of the page is done.</p>


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