Overview of C++ || C++ Tutorials || Learn C++

Overview C++


C++ is regarded as a high level, compiled, a case-sensitive, and general-purpose programming language that was developed in 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup.

C++ is the improvement of C language and was initially named as c with classes but from 1983 it was renamed as C++ language that supports generic, object-oriented, and procedural language that is made up of combined features of other low-level and high-level languages.

C++ is considered as the superset of C programming language and is compatible with different platforms such as Mac OS, Windows, and another version of UNIX.

History of C++

The computational capacity and program complexity of computers were increasing year by year. The programs were also becoming larger and larger, management becomes difficult with C language, Bjarne Stroustrup and his team start working on adding features on C programming language and added a lot of interesting features.

The most important feature is "object-oriented concepts influence by Simula 67" and created the new language "C with classes". The object-oriented language containing a totally opposite approach as in C programming language.

Since it is an improvement over C language, it is later known as "C++" where ++ is the incremental operator.

Features of C++

  1. Syntax-based language
  2. Fast and efficient
  3. Portability
  4. Compiler-based language
  5. Efficient use of pointers
  6. Platform independent
  7. Ease to use
  8. Case sensitivity
  9. Extensible
  10. Rich library of inbuilt functions

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C++ can be used in a wide variety of domains for creating different applications; that is why it is known as "General purpose language". As we have divided languages into three parts: low level i.e. Enable direct interaction with the machine.

The high level that allows us to write code in the human-readable language and offer built-in functions and middle-level languages which offer the features of both high level and low-level languages, C++ comes in middle-level language.

The code written in c language is much similar to human-readable code it needs to be converted into machine-level code where the compiler is used. Since C++ uses the compiler is known as compiler-based language.


  1. The codes of C++ run efficiently.
  2. The C++ programming is simple and fast
  3. C++ is the best platform to learn the object-oriented
  4. The knowledge of C++ will make it easy for the learners to learn other advance languages like C#, Java


  1. Games
  2. GUI applications
  3. Photoshop and various editing software
  4. Web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox contain the major part of the C++ code
  5. Compiler
  6. Simulation software

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