Privacy Policy || Coding Tag

Privacy Policy

In today’s world, when most of the information is shared and transferred via electronic media, privacy is the main concern. Here, in Coding Tag, we try our best to provide security to protect your personal identifiable information and to prevent unauthorized access or leakage of the same.


A cookie is a string of information that is stores on a visitor’s computer and is provides to the website each time the visitor returns by the visitor’s browser. In other words, it helps your visit to our web site lot easier and convenient, as it stores your viewing preferences on the site. Ones you log in, it stores the login information so that you don’t have to repeat the process of logging in, again and again. Keeping our customer’s privacy in mind, we have made use of session cookies that will only store the information for the particular session.

At any point of time, if you don’t want us to use cookies, you can enable it by adjusting your browser setting. But, cookies are widely used in online world and it allows the use of particular site hassle free and also saves the time. The use of cookies also allows us to get an idea about which part of our website is widely used, as well as, the preference of our visitors and also helps us to continuously improve our site.

Customer's Information

It is important for our customer to know how and why we use your information. We use you information only with our professional advisers (lawyers, financial advisers, accountant etc.). We may also share your information with regulators and government authorities in connection with our compliance procedures and obligations. While our customer visits our site, we gather two type of information, which are Personal Identifiable Information and Anonymous Information.

Personal Identifiable Information

When we talk about personal identifiable information, by that we mean name, postal address, mobile/telephone number, date of birth etc. of our customer. We use this information for registration, for sending newsletters, promotional offers, etc.


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Anonymous Information

When you visit our site, along with the personal information, certain anonymous information (Internet Service Provider name, Internet Protocol (IP) address, date & time when you accessed the site, the page that you visited, geographical data, etc.) about your visit is also captured automatically, which help us to improve the site.

In case of any query or feedback, please feel free to e-mail us on

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