Ctrl + F4

Ctrl + F4

by Devender

0 2183

Ctrl + F4 also known as Control + F4 is a keyboard shortcut used to close a tab or window of a program.

How to use Ctrl + F4?

One needs to press the "F4" function key while holding the "Ctrl" key on the keyboard.

  • Ctrl + F4 in Excel:
  • In Microsoft Excel, pressing the Ctrl + F4 key will close the active worksheet.

  • Ctrl + F4 in Word:
  • In Microsoft Word, Ctrl + F4 is used to close the active workbook.

  • Ctrl + F4 in Browser:

In all the major browsers, pressing Ctrl + F4 will close an open tab of the browser, if only one tab is open, then it will close the browser.

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