HTML PRE <pre> Tag
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HTML PRE <pre> tag is a block element that is responsible to locate the preformatted text, and this preformatted text is embedded into an HTML document. In order to display it in a fixed-width font, this tag is very useful.
This content is able to see in a monospace. User can only designate the <pre> tag and tags such as <small> <object> <sup> cannot be shown.
The <pre> tag in HTML needs to be closed so it contains both opening and closing tag as well. Also, as the <pre> tag generates automatic indents, there is no need to integrate block elements into the page as it will further generate more blank spaces.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Pre Tag </title> </head> <body> <h2>Example of Pre Tag</h2> <pre>Codingtag is the E-learning website covering all aspects of technical and nontechnical tutorials including advanced programming, web Development language. </pre> </body> </html>

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