HTML TITLE <title> Tag
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The HTML TITLE tag present in all HTML documents and it defines the title of the document. It is most important for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The HTML title tag must be used inside the <head> tag.
The title of the page is displayed on the title bar of the browser.
The TITLE <title> Tag:
- defines a title in the browser toolbar
- provides a title for the page when it is added to favorites
- displays a title for the page in search-engine optimization results
Note: You can NOT have more than one <title> element in an HTML document.
<title> ... .... ... </title>
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Title of the document</title> </head> <body> <p>The content of the document.....</p> <p>The content of the document.....</p> <p>The content of the document.....</p> </body> </html>

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