HTML MAP <map> Tag
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The HTML MAP <map> tag is used to represent an image-map showing active areas so that you can click here to get more information. The clickable areas in the image map are defined using the <area> tag, nested in the <map> tag.
An image map includes an image having clickable areas so that you can click on that image. It will open to a target or new or the provided destination
<map> tag may also have <area> elements more than one to describe the types of the area and its coordinates.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Map tag</title> </head> <body> <h1>Example of Map tag</h1> <img src="download.jpg" usemap="#web"> <map name="web"> <area shape="rect" href="" coords="30,50,50,30" alt="rect hyperlink in one img" title="rect hyperlink"> <area shape="circle" coords="90,18,100" href="" alt="circle hyperlink in one img" title="circle hyperlink"> </map> </body> </html>

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