Preprocessor in C

Preprocessor in C


The preprocessor in C is a tool that processes the source code before actual compilation.

It handles directives that start with a # symbol, like #include, #define, and #ifdef.

These directives allow for file inclusion, macro definition, and conditional compilation.

Preprocessor Directives in C 

 #include: Includes a header file into the source code.

 #define: Defines a macro or constant.

 #ifdef / #ifndef: Checks if a macro is defined or not.

 #if / #elif / #else / #endif: Conditional compilation based on expressions.

 #undef: Undefines a macro.

 #pragma: Provides compiler-specific directives.

 #error: Generates a compile-time error message.

In this diagram:

Source Code: The original C code with preprocessor directives.

Preprocessor: Processes the source code and replaces or includes files as per directives.

Modified Source Code: The output after preprocessing.

Compiler: Compiles the modified source code.

Executable Program: The final output, an executable file.

The preprocessor's role is crucial for handling various tasks like code modularization, conditional compilation, and more, making it an essential part of C programming.


Macros are used to define constants or small snippets of code that can be expanded inline.


#define PI 3.14159
#define SQUARE(x) ((x) * (x))

File Inclusion

File inclusion directives are used to include header files in the source code.


#include "myheader.h"

Conditional Compilation

Conditional compilation directives allow parts of the code to be compiled or omitted based on certain conditions.


#ifdef DEBUG
    // Debugging code

Other Directives

This category includes other directives like #undef, #pragma, #error, and #line, which provide additional functionalities like undefining macros, compiler-specific directives, generating error messages, and changing line numbers.


#undef PI
#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
#error "An error occurred!"
#line 100 "new_file.c"
These main types of preprocessor directives enable C programmers to write more flexible, modular, and maintainable code by allowing conditional compilation, code reuse through macros, and seamless integration of header files.


 // program for preprocessor in C 

// Define a macro for maximum value
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))

// Conditional compilation
#ifdef DEBUG
    #define DEBUG_MSG "Debugging is enabled."
    #define DEBUG_MSG "Debugging is disabled."

int main() {
    int x = 10, y = 20;
    // Print the maximum of x and y using the MAX macro
    printf("Max of %d and %d is: %d\n", x, y, MAX(x, y));

    // Print the debug message
    printf("%s\n", DEBUG_MSG);
    return 0;

Maximum of 10 and 20 is: 20
Debugging is disabled.

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