Character Set in C

Character Set in C


Introduction to Character Set in C

The character set in C encompasses various elements crucial for handling textual data, including ASCII, Unicode, and more.

Understanding the character set is fundamental for manipulating text efficiently in C programs.

In C programming, characters are represented using the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character set, which includes letters, digits, punctuation marks, and control characters.

Additionally, C supports Unicode, allowing for the representation of a broader range of characters from different languages and symbols.


char myChar = 'A';


Basic Character Set: Consists of alphanumeric characters, punctuation marks, and special characters defined by ASCII.

Control Character Set: Includes characters such as newline ('\n'), carriage return ('\r'), and tab ('\t'), facilitating control over text output.

Escape Sequences: Special sequences like '\n', '\t', '\b', etc., used to represent non-printable characters and control characters.

Utility Functions:

C provides utility functions to manipulate characters, such as isalpha(), isdigit(), tolower(), toupper(), etc., enabling tasks like checking if a character is alphabetic, numeric, converting case, etc.



int main() {
    char ch = 'A';
    printf("Character: %c\n", ch);
    printf("ASCII Value: %d\n", ch);
    return 0;


Character: A
ASCII Value: 65

This program demonstrates basic character handling in C by printing the character 'A' and its corresponding ASCII value.

Understanding the character set and manipulation functions is crucial for working with textual data efficiently in C.

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