What is getch() in C

What is getch() in C


getch is a function in C, primarily used for console input without displaying the entered characters on the screen.

It's part of the conio.h header, commonly used in older versions of C and C++ for console-based applications.

Syntax of getch() in C:

int getch(void);


void: getch doesn't accept any parameters.

Return Value:

int: Returns the ASCII value of the key pressed by the user.


Reading a Single Character and Displaying its ASCII Value:

// Program for getch() function in C

int main() {
    char ch;
    printf("Press any key: ");
    ch = getch();
    printf("\nASCII value of pressed key is %d\n", ch);
    return 0;


Press any key: A
ASCII value of pressed key is: 65

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