#if in C

#if in C


The #if directive in C is used for conditional compilation based on numerical or macro-defined conditions.

It evaluates an expression and includes the subsequent code only if the expression is non-zero (true).

This directive provides a way to conditionally compile code segments, allowing for more dynamic and flexible code.

Syntax of #if in C

#if expression
    // code to be compiled if expression is true (non-zero)
#elif expression2
    // code to be compiled if expression2 is true (non-zero)
    // code to be compiled if none of the above conditions are met


// Program for #if in C

#define MAX_VALUE 100
#define MIN_VALUE 0
#define NUMBER 75

int main() {
    printf("The number is greater than the maximum value.\n");
    printf("The number is less than the minimum value.\n");
    printf("The number is within the valid range.\n");

    return 0;


The number is within the valid range.

In this example:

The VERSION macro is defined with a value of 2.

The #if VERSION == 1 directive checks if VERSION is 1.

The #elif VERSION == 2 directive checks if VERSION is 2.

The message "Running version 2 of the program." is printed because VERSION is 2.

Uses of #if in C

Versioning: To conditionally compile code based on different versions or feature sets.

#if VERSION >= 2
    // Code specific to version 2 or higher

Platform-specific Compilation: To compile platform-specific code segments.

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
    // Windows-specific code
#elif defined(__linux__)
    // Linux-specific code

Conditional Feature Enabling: To enable or disable certain features based on configuration or conditions.

    // Code related to Feature X

The #if directive provides a powerful way to customize the compilation process, allowing for greater flexibility in managing different code paths and configurations in C programs.

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