C Tokens in C Language

C Tokens in C Language


In C language C tokens are the Smallest Units of a Program.

They are categorized into different types.

1 Keywords in C

2 Identifiers in C

3 Constants in C

4 String Literals in C

5 Operators in C

6 Punctuation Symbols in C

Different types of Tokens in C 

Keywords in C 

keywords like main, return are reserved words with predefined meanings.

For example:

int main(){
	return 0;

Identifiers in C 

Identifiers such as int, char, float are names given to various program elements.

For example:

int age=45;

Constants in C 

Constants are Fixed values used in the program.

For example:

const float pi=3.14;

String Literals in C 

String Literals are Sequence of characters closed in double-quotes.

For example:

char *greeting = "good morning world";

*greeting points to the location where the string 'good morning world' is stored in memory.

Operators in C 

Operators are Symbols used to perform different operations.

For example:

int total=12+3;

Punctuation Symbols in C 

Punctuation Symbols are Characters used for Syntax and Structure.

operators like +, -, *, /, =, ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, &&, ||, etc., are essential punctuation symbols in C.

For example:

Each tokens have a specific purpose and they contribute to the structure and functionality of the C program.

C Program for C tokens 


int main()
    int n = 23;
    int m = 67;
    int sum = n + m;
    if(sum > 10)
        printf("sum is greater than 10\n");
        printf("sum is not greater than 10\n");
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        printf("Iteration %d\n", i);
    printf("The sum is : %d", sum);
    return 0;

sum is greater than 10
Iteration 0
Iteration 1
Iteration 2
Iteration 3
Iteration 4
The sum is: 90

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