HTML Marquee Tag ?
0 7562
The HTML <marquee> tag is used for scrolling text or image. In marquee tag, you can use a lot of attributes like behavior, direction, bgcolor, loop, hspace, scrollamount, scrolldelay, truespeed, width. For Start and Stop on mouse over we can use the method.
All Browsers Support: Mozilla, Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.
<marquee> Right to Left Move.. Simple Marquee </marquee>
<marquee behavior="alternate"> Marquee behavior Code </marquee>
<marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()"> When cursor move here then it will stop, when cursor out it will run again </marquee>
Direction Examples:
<marquee direction="right"> Right marquee direction </marquee>
<marquee direction="left"> Right marquee direction </marquee>
<marquee direction="up"> Up marquee direction </marquee>
<marquee direction="down"> Down marquee direction </marquee>
Marquee Speed Increase and Decrease Examples:
<marquee scrollamount="5"> Scrollamount attribute is use for speed </marquee>
<marquee scrollamount="10"> Scrollamount attribute is use for speed </marquee>
Marquee Image Scroll Examples:
<marquee> <img src="image_path" /> </marquee>

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