HTML List (Ordered, Unordered, Description List)
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Lists are used everywhere on the web. You can see that the developers and web users are frequently using the list of website navigation menus, articles, and product features on e-commerce websites and many other places.
HTML offers three ways of indicating the lists of information on a web page. All lists must include one or more list elements. Lists may hold below elements:
<ul> - This is an unordered list. This will show plain bullets in lists.
<ol> - This is an ordered list. This will create a numbered list in which different schemes of numbers available to list your items.
<dl> - This is a definition list. This will arrange the list, the same as a dictionary.
HTML has one more important tag which helps to start the list:
<li> - This tag is used to define the list item. Each item of the list starts with this tag.Example 1: by default, it will display the disc
<ul type="disc">
<li> Mobile </li>
<li> Watch </li>
<li> Laptop </li>
Example 2:
<ul type="square">
<li> Mobile </li>
<li> Watch </li>
<li> Laptop </li>
Example 3:
<ul type="circle">
<li> Mobile </li>
<li> Watch </li>
<li> Laptop </li>
<ol> - An ordered list
Example 1: by default, it will display default numerals
<ul type="1">Example 2: it will display Numerals.
<li> Mobile </li>
<li> Watch </li>
<li> Laptop </li>
<ul type="i">
<li> Mobile </li>
<li> Watch </li>
<li> Laptop </li>
Example 3: it will display Letters.
<ul type="a">
<li> Mobile </li>
<li> Watch </li>
<li> Laptop </li>
<dl> Used for description list
Example 1:<dl>
<dt> CT </dt>
<dd> This stands for Coding Tag </dd>

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