Internal Linking in SEO and How to do it for Better SEO Results
by Gagan Gaba
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The world of online marketing has already understood the importance of SEO and all of them relating to this world have already indulged in the best way of practicing this technique. This further consists of a lot of different practices to improve the rank of the website in the search engine results and one such technique that can take your business to the top are Internal Linking.
What is Internal Linking?
Internal linking is that technique of search engine optimization in which one links are posted to another in such a way that it enhances the website's utilization for the readers and provide the relevant contents to read.
It is a process of connecting one post/page of a particular website to containing relevant information and is made hyperlinked, but the target and source domain remains the same.
Practicing internal links on your website can bring a good amount of traffic, but before you get yourself into the practicing, make sure you know how to do it get the most effective results.
Here, we are sharing a few techniques on how to do the internal linking.
a) Publish lots of contents
If you want to put more link and index, you have to publish more content to feed them. It takes a lot of contents to start the actual link building process, and you can't just start with 4 to 5 of contents. Moreover, try writing different contents on different topics to make your website more informative.
b) Link the authority pages of your website
If you really wish to utilize the benefit of the internal link building, you need to pass the link from the pages that are having higher authority.
You obviously are not just putting effort to gather human eyes and attracting Google's attention is necessary as well. When you use proper anchor texts, you are attracting Google's eye as well for being fair. When Google knows about it, it will help your readers know what the links are about when they are redirecting to the links.
d) Add a limited number of internal links
Well, no doubt, the practice can really boost the popularity of your website, but adding too many links may hamper the people's decision of redirecting to the website.
e) Use natural links
Interlinking is more about the user-focused that add value and information to your website. One of the best benefits you can draw from the interlinking is to enhance the user engagement of your website.
When a user finds out an informative link which matches the context of the content you have published, and they need, they will click that link, for sure. So, try using the natural links that matched the content and seems comprehensible enough for the readers, it will increase the user engagement of your website.
f) Use relevant links
Don't interlink just for the sake of interlinking, but do it to increase the user engagement and satisfy the need of your visitors. When you are linking, try using the relevant links that redirect to the content and which would be useful for your visitors, this will make your website stand better from others, and more users will hop on to your website. So, make it sure, you are not using broken links but the relevant ones.
So, with these few shared techniques, you can really benefit your website, and there are a few of them more which you can implement as well.

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