5 Ecommerce SEO Trends
Last Updated by Gagan Gaba
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We all have heard or read many times that SEO is a field that is very deep and keep on evolving. Every day, we woke up and realize that one major change or trend in SEO has been added.
With something that never stays the same even for the single day, it often becomes hard to keep up the pace with, but from the past few years, SEO experts have been able to do it in an amazing way.
Out of countless trends of SEO, there are always a few who are able to retain its functionality. The way SEO is implemented for different purpose vary, and when you are considering Ecommerce SEO trends, then it perhaps is different from other SEO trends.
With the beginning of 2020, the Ecommerce SEO trends that dominated last year have already lost its importance, and a few major Ecommerce SEO trends have appeared.
Based on these, we are talking about those 5 Ecommerce SEO trends that have emerged in 2020, and the chances are high that they are going to retain their importance and functionality throughout the year. Check out our list!
1 Video Content Rules
Content is the main thing that any website needs, be in any form. From the past few years, right from the moment, online marketing came into existence, written content has dominated.
People did the best, hired writers, did research, and created powerful content, but the time has come when the written content is being replaced by the video contents.
The popularity of the video content has already begun in the last year, and it is going to stay in demand in the present year. It is the high time that you should start adding more video content to your website, maybe Info-graphic, and slide shows.
This trend is going to be more useful for B2C companies.
2 Mobile Website Optimization
Thanks to smartphones, we don't need to rely on the desktop or PC's to search for anything. In the year 2015, mobile search for the websites or anything has taken over the number of searches did on the desktop.
This alone is very evident to realize how important is it to optimize the website to run on mobile phones and other handled devices. Smartphones are eased and help people search whatever and Heavener they want.
So, if you won a website, not only the e-commerce ones make sure to optimize to run on mobiles.
3 Social Media Presence
The presence of your e-commerce business on social media has become very important in the past few years, and why it won't be?
80% of the total world population is active on social media, and even many of you know today you met with social media.
So, when the entire world is active on social media, thinking of promoting a business without its involvement would be a bad idea. In the coming years, social media is going to have a stronghold over the online business.
How to add Social Media to Google Search
4 Long-Form Content
People like to read posts that are long, and short posts often are thrown into the oblivion. The last few years witnessed the popularity of long posts. No matter how many images are you adding in your short-form content, people are going to neglect them.
Big names like Amazon even rely on producing the long-form content, and this is one of the great reasons that it has been able to make its form in the world of online marketing.
5 Apps are the New Big Thing
Nowadays, you have been noticing that almost every website you used to visit is offering to install or download their app, and the reason is quite obvious.
So, while you are running your eCommerce sites, make sure that you adopt these new SEO trends to stay in the market and getting more potential customers.

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