What are Structured Data and Why Does it Matter for SEO?

What are Structured Data and Why Does it Matter for SEO?

by Gagan Gaba

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SEO is not a small world and it consists of things and techniques more than one could think of. People are constantly striving hard in implementing SEO techniques to get their page positioned in the better place in the search engine results.

Search engines too are trying harder to make those implements get accomplished by offering a few techniques that help website owners get their webpage published in search engine results. One such technique is the structured data.

Well, not many know that not only the website owners are trying harder, but search engines too are doing their part. Structured data is just that attempt. Let us help you know what structured data is and why does it matter for SEO.

Structured Data
Web pages make a lot of effort to make themselves available for the human readers and robot spiders. They have to narrate the content in an interesting manner as well as have to be informative and offer relevant information on a certain topic. That information can be presented in the form of structured data.

Structured data is basically information that can be written in a predictable format, such as in specific hours, in the form of reviews, and others. It is a way for the website owners to highlight their content and get recognized by the search engines and make them aware of what information your page contains.

How does it matter in SEO?
Structured data matters a lot in SEO as it helps the search engines not only crawl in the website but to understand what actually it is all about. As many times the search engines to face problems in recognizing a web page and its content as often times what seems comprehensible to the human minds seem vague for web crawlers.

It helps the search engines to better understand the information about your website and then use that information to improve your business and its listing in the search engine results. Structured data helps the search engines get into the website directory and understand what it is offering.

Thus, structured data can act as an essential tool for your business and can help to enhance its ranking in the search engine results. But, you too have to put a similar effort.

How structured data help in SEO?
As you have already read that how significant is structured data in SEO, the next thing you need to know how structured data help in SEO.

Implementing structured data into a website along with SEO helps mainly in two ways. First, structured data makes the information of the website understandable for the search engines, and when search engine understands what your information is all about, it will make sure that your website is getting listed in their results.

Secondly, different types of structured data can be uses and traced out by the search engines as scraps shown in the search engine results. For example, if you own cookery website, mentioning time and calorie's along with the recipe can be used as structured data and it certainly will help your website getting displayed in the search engine results.

So, now you know, how structured data can help you in making your site understand by the search engines and getting it displayed in the search engine results.

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