7 Blog commenting tips for better SEO results
by Gagan Gaba
4 3862
SEO is considered to be the most important technique of the digital marketing and if implemented in the right way, it can benefit your business in the most effective and amazing way. SEO too is further divided into many different practices and amongst all the technique, blog commenting is regarded as the most important. Blog commenting not only helps in the link building, but gets your website rank better in the search engine results and attract visitors to your website.
Here, we are sharing 7 powerful blog commenting tips that would get better SEO results to your website.
a) Use your image
If you want to make your blog commenting look more authentic, then try adding relevant images that too authentic one. It should be yours and should be authenticated to you only. This makes the Search Engine acknowledge your picture and your website gets better rank.
b) Use real names
People involved in the blog commenting practices often mention keywords in the place of the name section. This really pisses off the Search engine and you ruin the impression of your website.
c) Write long comments
People often write one liners in the blog commenting section and that not pleases the search engines and in fact, they hate it. Try writing long paragraphs which will appear more genuine and real.
d) Write relevant comments
Most people create blunder by copy pasting the same thing in the comment section and it the worst thing you can do for your website. Search engines easily identify it and it can ruin all what your website has earned till date. Try writing the relevant comment after reading the blog.
e) Initiate a discussion
When you initiate a discussion in your comment, it makes you get all the limelight of other bloggers and the search engines.
f) Comments on related topics
Try to comments on the blogs that is related to the nature of your website and not to any or everything.
g) Be regular
When you make yourself regular in blog commenting, it makes a good impression on the search engines and you get all the attention and your website gets better rankings.
These 7 blog commenting tips will certainly make you the expert in blog commenting and your website will appear in the top list.

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