8 Types of Social Media | Social Media Marketing

8 Types of Social Media & How Each Can Benefit Your Business

by Gagan Gaba

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Social media has become more than just a personal sharing network and has become a powerful tool to influence to influence others. It has become a place where one can share his/her purpose and gather audience on a large level.

Today, there are not a single social media that has not been related to others and if you won a business, these social media can become a powerful weapon to mass advertise your business and it can benefit your business in an effective way. Based on most of the researches, we are presenting 8 types of social media and how can they benefit for your business.

a) Relationship Network
Relationship networks such as Facebook have been around for more than 10 years now is one of the important types of social media. It allows the users to keep the communication in one place while sharing the updates in just one click.

b) Media Sharing Networks
These types of social media are defined with the type of their primary media sharing capabilities like Facebook and Twitter have text as their primary media sharing view added with video and image sharing whereas Instagram and Flickr has images as their main focus and YouTube has videos. You can advertise your business on different levels.

c) Online Reviews
Online reviews sites are best when you need recommendation of others for anything to everything. Today, recommendations of others users have more value so; make sure that people are recommending your company in good terms.

d) Discussion Forms
Discussion forms are the oldest type of social media which still is evident and people used it to discuss various stuff like hot pop culture, and current affairs and everything else.

e) Social Publishing Platforms
Social media platforms are basically blogs or micro-blogs where one can share short or long contents and companies can talk about their services that will be shared on other platforms as well.

f) Bookmarking Sites
Bookmarking sites are the ones that you bookmark a website which you find interesting and would like to read in future as well. Pinterest is one of the most important and famous bookmarking sites of current times and it allow you to post the content from the third-party n your own blog.

g) Interest Based Networks
Today, many of the social networking sites have shared an amazing opportunity to connect to the groups and communities with people having same interest. Making your account in these communities will boost your brand and its popularity.

h) E-commerce
E-commerce sites may make last in the least but is one of the most important and amazing social media. Ecommerce sites allow small time retailers to sell their shops is a good way to boost one's small business.

These 8 types of social media are just what you need for your business and boosting its popularity.

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