5 SEO Mistakes That Could Penalize Your Website
by Gagan Gaba
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Undoubtedly, SEO is an important factor to get your website rank in a better position in the Search Engine results, but many times, unaware of the consequences, people make a few SEO mistakes that can badly impact and penalize your website. So, if you are implementing SEO practices to make your website rank higher and generating traffic your website, then you must get yourself acquainted with a few silly and easily made SEO mistakes that can penalize your website.
1) Never Ending Scrolling
Most of the sites today prefer having a long never ending scrolling page as it encourages visitors to click on many links. But, many times, people don't know that constant scrolling on a page slows down the page from loading and it obviously made the visitor to log out from the site.
The alternative of the infinite scrolling page is parallax design. This acts in the same way, but doesn't hurt the website.
2) Invalid or Dead Links
When you own a website, you obviously add new url's and contents from time to time, and you forget to remove the previous links redirecting to your website or contents that no more exists. This creates a bad impression on search engines.
3) Use of Java or Flash
With the time getting technically oriented, it is important to know that all the previous techniques get outdated. If you are still using java or flash without HTML as an alternative, then it may cause a great harm to your website. Search engines can't read links from flash or java.
4) Using Images as title
It is good if you use images in your article or blog to make it look more appealing, but if you think that using images in the place of title, then this won't be a good call. When you do this, you remove the benefit extracting from the keywords research. Try to include keywords in the title too as it attract search engines to read your content.
5) Not updating website regularly
When you won a website, update it on regular basis to show it's alive and working. Regular updating of the website helps search engine getting your website into consideration.
These are those 5 SEO mistakes that you can avoid from penalizing your website.

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