How To Fix 404 Error?
Last Updated by Gagan Gaba
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So, the nest time you are facing the 404 error, make sure that you resolved it right away instead of giving up and trying some other alternative page.
Here, we are trying to help all of those out there who do not know that this particular error can be solved easily, but before we go describing, how you can deal with it, you first need to know what actually it is and why it occurs.
What is 404 Error?
404 error is actually an HTTP status code that refers that the page you wanted to visit cannot be found on the server. Many times, the errors are customized by some companies to best 404 errors and others.
So, from the next time whenever you are getting this error, make sure to resolve it right away.
We are sharing the best way to deal with the error.
Follow the simple steps mentioned below
- First, you should cross check the URL you are entering in the search bar as many times the URL get removed or changed by the owner of the website.
- Secondly, you can copy the URL you are entering, and you are getting 404 error and paste it in the Google search. Google will certainly find the original one and many times, the one found by Google works.
- Thirdly, you can clear the browser history or cache and try it once again. Many times, when you go for the second attempt after you have cleared the history and caches, it works.
- If nothing helps you out and still nothing is working, you can contact the website owner directly and can also tell about the 404 error that is troubling you, and they may help you getting it fixed themselves.
There can be many reasons that why 404 error is showing up, but if you try the above-given solutions one by one, chances are there that 1 or 2 will surely work for you.

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