CodeIgniter Features
0 2014
Codelgniter is an MVC-based framework of PHP. it contains a rich set of libraries which make it more flexible and easy to develop speedy websites.
Features of CodeIgniter
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Some attractive features of CodeIgniter are given below:
- Dynamic installation: In CodeIgniter, components are loaded and routines executed only on request means components are installed dynamically rather than globally.
- MVC-based architecture: This framework uses HMVC (Hierarchical model view control) design which divides the whole code into three parts.
- Model: It represents data structures that help to retrieve, insert and update the information into the database.
- View: It represents the data presented to the user.
- Controller: It works as an intermediary unit among the model, view, and any other processes needed to process the HTTP (Hypertext transfer protocol) request.
- Loose coupling: Coupling is the degree that represents the dependency rely by the components of a system on each other. In this framework components loosely coupled.
- Extremely Light Weight: Due to MVC structure, this framework has extremely lightweight and exceptional performance.
- Codelgniter has strong compatibility with standard hosting accounts that run a variety of PHP versions and configurations.
- Codelgniter does not require any command-line knowledge.
- Codelgniter has clear documentation and a variety of problem-solving books.
- Codelgniter has a large library of helper functions.
- Codelgniter supports hooks and class extensions.
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