Error handling in CodeIgniter

Error handling in CodeIgniter


  • To prevent the application from errors, CodeIgniter provides an easy and speedy error handling mechanism.
  • These errors make the application irritating and complex for users.
  • By default, all PHP errors are displayed by Codeigniter. We can prevent these errors to display by using the error_reporting() PHP function at the top of the main index file. By disabling this function, we can prevent error log files from being written.
  • In the Codeigniter framework, there are several error functions. These functions are basically simple procedural interfaces that are available throughout the application.

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    CodeIgniter - Error Handling

    Codeigniter provides the following three methods to handles errors:

  • show_error()
  • show_404()
  • log_message()

1 show_error(): This function is same as error_reporting function. It displays all errors at the top of the device screen in the HTML format. The return type of this function is mixed.


show_error($message, $status_code, $heading = 'An Error Was Encountered');


  • $message: This parameter represents error messages. It has the type mixed.
  • $status_code: This parameter represents HTTP response status code. The type of this parameter is int.
  • $heading: This parameter represents the error heading. It can be a string.

Error templates used by this function are:




2 show_404(): This function used to display the error 404 messages means it displays an error when the user trying to access a page that does not exists throughout the application. The return type of this function is void.


show_404($page = '', $log_error = TRUE)

Parameter Explanation:

  • $page: This parameter is used to represents URL string. The type of this parameter is a string.
  • $log_error: This parameter is used to determine whether to log the error. It is a Boolean type parameter.

Error templates used by this function are:




3 log_message(): This function is used to write the error messages into log files. The return type of this method is void.


log_message($level, $message, $php_error = FALSE)

Parameter Description:

  • $level: This parameter represents log level. It has three possible values: 1. error 2. log 3. Info. It is a string-type parameter.
  • $message: This parameter represents the message to LOG. It is a string-type parameter.
  • $php_error: This parameter is used to determine whether we are logging a native PHP message or not. It is a Boolean type parameter.

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