Rajgopalachari Formula, Desai-Liaqat Pact & Wavell Plan - Civil Services Preparation Online! UPSC & IAS Study Material

Rajgopalachari Formula, Desai-Liaqat Pact & Wavell Plan

by Devender

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Rajagopalachari was a veteran Congress leader who came up with a formula for the cooperation of Congress and the Muslim League.

  • Rajgopalachari Formula:
  • It implicitly accepted the League's demand of Pakistan. Gandhi also accepted this formula however Hindu leaders under Vir Savarkar stood against it. The main points of this formula were:

  • Muslim league to stand with Congress demand of Independence
  • League to support Congress in forming a provisional government at center
  • After the end of the second world war, the entire population of Muslim majority areas in the North-West & North-East India decides by a plebiscite, whether or not to form a separate sovereign state
  • If the partition is reached, then the agreement is to be made jointly for safeguarding defense, commerce, communications, etc.
  • All these terms would be the only operative if Britishers transfers full power to India
  • However, Jinah was opposed to these at certain points such as:

    He wanted Congress to accept the two-nation theory and wanted only Muslims of North-West and North-East to vote in the plebiscite and not the entire population. He was also against the idea of a common center.

    So, while Congress was ready to make a deal with the league for Independence of the Indian Union, League was only busy at getting a new nation and not independence.

    Desai-Liaqat Pact

    Bhulabhai Desai was a leader of Congress whereas Liaquat Ali Khan was a leader of Muslims. Together they drafted a proposal for the formation of an interim government at the center which consisted of: An equal number of persons nominated by Congress & League in the central legislature and 20% reserved seats for minorities.

    However, no settlement could be reached by Congress and League on these grounds but still a sort of parity between the Congress and the League was decided upon, which had far-reaching.

    Wavell Plan

    Lord Wavell was a viceroy of India. In June 1945, he convened a conference that was aimed at reconstructing the governor general’s executive council pending the preparation of a new constitution. The main proposals of this plan were:

  • All members of the executive council to be Indian except Governor-general and commander-in-chief
  • Equal representation to Hindus and Muslims
  • This reconstructed council to work as Interim government under the act of 1935
  • Governor-general to exercise his veto on the advice of ministers
  • Representatives of different parties were, to submit a joint list to the viceroy for nominations to the executive council
  • If the joint list was not possible, then separate lists to be submitted
  • Possibilities were kept open for negotiation on a new constitution, once the war was won

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