Difference between Public, Private and Protected in PHP || Access Modifiers in PHP

Difference between Public, Private and Protected in PHP


To decide the scope of a variable or a function, in PHP we have mainly three access modifiers in PHP.

Access Modifiers:

Access modifiers are basically PHP Keywords which set the accessibility of the variables and methods. We can also set the accessibility of variables and functions of a class by setting the accessibility of class.

These are used in Inheritance to define the scope of instances of parent and child classes.

These are used before the name of variables, functions and classes.

1. Public:

This keyword used to make variables and functions accessible to anywhere means we can access either inside a class or anywhere outside the class.


class Employees_details {
  public $employee_name;
  public $employee_id;
$obj = new Employees_details();  // creating the object of Employees_details class
 $obj->employee_name = 'Ramesh';
 $obj->employee_id = '1221';
echo $obj->employee_name;
echo '<br>'.$obj->employee_id;


2. Protected:

This keyword used to make variables and functions accessible into that class and its child or derived classes.


class Employees_details {
 protected $employee_name;
$obj = new Employees_details(); // creating the object of Employees_details class
$obj->employee_name = 'Ramesh'; // it will give fatal error


We can access protected properties by public functions of that class or by public functions of that child classes.


class Employees_details {
  protected $employee_name;
  function get_employee($emp_name){
     echo $this->employee_name;
$obj = new Employees_details();  // creating the object of Employees_details class


3. Private:

This keyword used to make variables and functions accessible only into that class means we can't access private properties outside the class.


class Employees_details {
  private $employee_name;
$obj = new Employees_details(); // creating the object of Employees_details class
 $obj->employee_name = 'Ramesh'; // it will give fatal error


We can access protected properties by public functions of that class.


class Employees_details {
  private $employee_name;
  function get_employee($emp_name){
        echo $this->employee_name;
$obj = new Employees_details();  //creating the object of Employees_details class


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