rsort() function in php
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PHP rsort() function is used to sort a PHP indexed array in descending order. It is an inbuilt function of PHP.
NOTE: For ascending order use sort() PHP function.
rsort($array, $sorting_type);
$array is a PHP array. it is mandatory.
$sorting_type is a numeric value that decides the type of comparing of array elements. It is optional. It has 6 possible values that specify 6 possible sorting orders.
- SORT_REGULAR: if a value is 0, then the function compares array elements normally.
- SORT_NUMERIC: if a value is 1, then the function compares array elements as a numeric value.
- SORT_STRING: if a value is 2, then the function compares array elements as a string.
- SORT_LOCALE_STRING: if a value is 3, then this function compares array elements as a string according to the current locale.
- SORT_NATURAL: if a value is 4, then the function compares array elements as a string with the use of natural ordering.
- SORT_FLAG_CASE: if a value is 5, then this function compares array elements according to value.
<?php $arr1 = array("pineapple","guava","pear","apple","orange","grapes","banana"); echo "<pre>"; echo "unsorted array : <br>"; print_r($arr1); rsort($arr1); echo "<br> sorted array : <br>"; print_r($arr1); ?>

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