array_reduce() function in php || user define function

array_reduce() function in php


array_reduce() function of PHP is used to reduce a PHP array into a single variable with the help of a user define function or a callback function. It is an inbuilt function of PHP.




  • $array is a PHP array. It is mandatory
  • user_function is the user define function which has conditions to be applied on an array. It is also mandatory.
  • $initial is the value which send to the user define function. It is optional.

Example 1:

// This example add all elements of array and return their addition
function user_function($x,$y)
  $x = $x + $y;
  return $x;
$arr = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
echo 'Sum of all values of $arr is '.$result;


Example 2:

// reduce all values of array into a single string separated by commas
function user_function($x,$y)
  $x = $x.','.$y;
  return $x;
$arr = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
echo $result;


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