PHP array_udiff_uassoc() function || PHP Arrays Functions

array_udiff_uassoc() function in php


PHP array_udiff_uassoc() function is used to return the difference of two or more arrays by comparing the keys and values of arrays with the help of a user-defined function or the callback function.

It is an inbuilt function of PHP.




  • $array1 is a PHP array which unique values is returned by this function.
  • $array2 and $arrayN are php arrays which values and keys compared to $array1.
  • key_function is a user-defined function which used to compare the keys of arrays. It is mandatory.
  • value_function is also a user-defined function which used to compare the values of arrays. It is also mandatory.

Note: The basic difference between array_udiff_assoc() and array_udiff_uassoc() is array_udiff_uassoc() function contains two user defined comparison function one for keys and other for values.

Example 1:

function key_function($x,$y)
if ($x===$y)
  return 0;
  return ($x>$y)?1:-1;
function value_function($x,$y)
if ($x===$y)
  return 0;
  return ($x>$y)?1:-1;
echo "<pre>";


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