Business Benefits of Software Testing

Business Benefits of Software Testing

by Devender

0 1535

You might recall how you felt when you last tried to use software that didn't work.

Frustrated? Furious? Annoyed? Disappointed? Do you need that software to complete a report that was due yesterday? Looking for some kind of salvation?

Business Benefits of Software Testing

It is a fact that we need software to perform our jobs. It throws a wrench into the whole process when that software does not work.

A software test can mean the difference between a morning of pure anger and another smooth Tuesday. Here are four benefits of the software testing services your team shouldn't overlook.

1 Saves Money:

  • The main benefit of software testing is that it saves money.
  • The process of developing and implementing software involves several stages. Each stage calls for coordination and communication between multiple teams, and each stage includes a laundry list of ways that things could go wrong.

    Once the software is already live, it is nearly impossible to catch those problems. PR must be handled while employees are redirected to scramble and fix the problem. In the meantime, your potential customers cannot access your software.

    Hence, you're not only losing money on the direct costs of fixing the software. You're also losing money on lost potential transactions.

    You can catch problems early and fix them before they turn into PR disasters by performing software testing.

    2 Enhances customer satisfaction and confidence:

  • Customer satisfaction is directly impacted.
  • Here's how you can look at it.
  • Consider the situation of a customer who recently downloaded a new piece of software. However, when you try to launch the program or log in, an error message appears.

    You have not only wasted money on a program that doesn't work, but now you have to decide whether to hedge your bets and see if the software is worth the wait, or take your business elsewhere.

    It is likely that most customers won't be willing to forgive that sour taste in their mouths.

    You send a message to your customers that you care about their experience by investing in quality assurance early. Your goal is to make sure they are completely satisfied. Maintaining long-term relationships with customers relies on this message.

    3 Improves Security:

  • Did you know that software failures cost $1.7 trillion in 2017?

When your software fails, you're not just compromising the customer experience. You're also compromising the security of your software.

Every customer who uses your software is now putting their data and systems at risk.

Customers aren't willing to risk their data twice after the data privacy scandals last year (Cambridge Analytica, anyone?)

Delivering a safe and trustworthy product from Day One is possible with software testing. This protects their critical information, builds trust, and reduces the risk of costly embarrassments later.

4 Improves Product Quality:

Additionally, software testing improves the overall quality of your product, in case you didn't already know.

Even if companies are aware of the benefits of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), they won't use it if the product is substandard. It's just as important to keep their customers satisfied as it is to keep yours.

In order to make your vision a reality, your software simply has to work. The tool must be free of bugs, low-risk, and effective at what it does.

If you haven't tested your product, you won't know how good it is. Consider it a trial run before your customers get their hands on it. So you'll know that you're providing the best possible version of your software before it hits the market.

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