How to Secure WordPress Site
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If you are concerned about the security of your WordPress site, then this blog is a must-read for you, which will best guide you for the ways to secure your WordPress site in anticipation of malware and hackers. You can also learn WordPress online to learn the concept of WordPress.
There are a lot of options available you can choose from to keep your site protected. Before that we will discuss:
Importance of Website Security
You might be aware of the disaster that is caused by a hacked WordPress. It can also ruin your business revenue along with your reputation. The hackers can cause you the disasters such as they can thieve your user information and password and can also install spiteful software which can cause harm to your system application.
Especially, if you are running your website for a business purpose, you need to be more alert towards the security of your WordPress.
1 Update WordPress frequently
Would you prefer to eat something which is not fresh? I don't think anybody would. Right? Similarly, in the case of your websites, you would not want to run your website on an out of date plugin, software, or themes that can greatly compromise the effectiveness of your website.
As you know, WordPress is an open-source application that is required to be updated and maintained regularly. Although WordPress automatically updates the minor features, you might have to update it manually for some of the major feature's release.
To ensure that your WordPress is safe and secure, you must update all the themes, plugins, and other core features regularly.
2 Using strong authentication systems
One of the most vulnerable components which are often targeted by hackers is weak passwords which can be easily guessed by them. Thus, to ensure that your WordPress is password-protected, you need to follow some of the given criteria for setting up a strong username and password:
Uniqueness: The password which you set must be unique for FTP accounts, database, hosting account, WordPress admin account, and so on. This is to ensure that even if your password for one account is hacked, the intruder does not get access to other accounts with the same password as well.
Length: The password must also be long with a minimum of 10-12 characters. Just remember, the longer the length, the more protected is your WordPress account.
Complexity: It is also important to use complex and random digits while setting up your WordPress account. The best practice is to set a password including uppercase, lowercase, digits, and special characters.
Frequency: You must change your password frequently to ensure more security for your WordPress account.
3 WordPress Hosting for the security of your site
One of the most effective ways of securing your WordPress site is using the hosts such as Bluehost which comes with additional security measures to ensure that your website is protected.
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There are multiple security benefits for using the hosting for WordPress site, including:
- These hosting companies provide effective tools to prevent large DDOS attacks.
- With the use of hosting services, you can continuously monitor the activities on your website.
- These hosting companies also consist of the proper disaster management plan to recover from any sudden intruding accidents.
- With the use of hosting services, your software and hardware services can be consistently updated which prevents intruders to extract the vulnerabilities of old devices.
4 Limiting the Number of Login Attempts
By default, in WordPress, any user can enter the username and password for an ample number of times which makes it more vulnerable as hackers have unlimited attempts to try and find out the password.
However, if you want to limit the number of login attempts into your website, you can install the Login Lockdown plugin where you can configure the login settings including maximum login attempts, retry time, lockout length, etc.
5 Using SSL Certificates
You can also use the SSL certificates or HTTPs for your WordPress website which ensures the encryption of data between the browser and the server.
With the help of the SSL server, you can secure the transfer or communication done over the network from a man in the middle type of attacks.
6 Using CDN Services
An alternate way of protecting your WordPress site is by using the Content Delivery Network services which are oriented towards creating an alternative server node to exhibit faster download and response time.
Note that there are certain regulations and criteria which should be met by your website to protect your data from security threats.
7 Disabling File Editing
There is a prebuilt code editor in WordPress which the admin can use to modify the website as per his preferences. However, it can also be used by the intruder for malicious purposes. Thus, it is recommended to turn off the file editing in your WordPress settings.
To do this, you need to add the following code to your wp-config.php file for secure plugin to disable the file editing:
8 Hiding the Admin Page
The first page which an intruder will attempt to search for is your admin page. Thus, to protect your WordPress website, you must hide the URL of your admin page.
You can do it by installing the Protect WP-Admin plugin or WPS Hide Login plugin.
I hope this blog was helpful for my readers to understand the various security implications which can be faced while working on the WordPress website and how to prevent them.
Additionally, if you are a novice, you can go for a beginner's guide for WordPress to gain more insights.

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