Current Affairs October 2018 (1st Week)

Current Affairs October 2018 (1st Week)

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1) Winner of Ryder cup 2018?
Ryder Cup is the golf competition; EUROPE won the Ryder cup 2018 and defeated the United States

2) In which City, PM Narendra Modi inaugurated the Conference on Academic Leadership on Education for Resurgence?
This conference was conducted in New Delhi

3) In which city, recently president Shri Ram Nath Kovind has inaugurated the Mahatma Gandhi International sanitation Convention?
New Delhi

4) The Bala Bhaskar has passed away recently? By profession, Who was he?

5) STG stands for and what is the objective of STG-6?
Sustainable Development Goals. The main objective of STG-6 is to provide sanitation and clean drinking water to each and every citizen of their respective countries follow till 2030.

6) How many Sustainable Development Goals?
There are 17 STG and its deadline is 2030.

7) Which Date was observed as the International Day for universal access to information?
September 28. Since 2016, this day was celebrated by UNESCO.

8) The theme of World Maritime Day?
"IMO 70: Our Heritage- Better Shipping for a Better Future"

9) Which date was observed as World Maritime Day?
27 September

10) Manoharsinh Jadeja who recently passed away was the former finance minister of which State?

11) Who has been appointed as new vice chairmen of Press Trust of India?
Vijay Kumar Chopra

12) Which company collaborates with Rail Heritage Digitisation project launched by India?

13) Which Country was given biggest loan "$57.1 Billion" in the History of International Fund?

14) NABARD had hosted 10-Day long B2B Grameena Habba, was Held in which City?

15) Name the organization, who have signed a 5-Year Sustainable Development framework along with India?
United Nation

16) The Book "Rajavalipataka" was written by?
Pandit Prajabhatta

17) Recently, Prime Minister Narender Modi's Book named as "Exam Barrier" was released in which version?
Urdu language

18) Recently which country has been hit by the Typhoon Trami?

19) Which musical instrument was used Pandit Tulsidas Borkar who recently passed away?

20) Which State was awarded as the best state under the Swachh Survekshan Grameen Awards 2018?

21) International Coffee Day?
Ist October

22) Which animal's ancient fossil was discovered by the scientist and is the earliest animals on the Geological record?

23) Name the country that India will gift three MIG-21 fighter jets?

24) Name the winner of Asian Junior Squash Title?
Yuvraj Wadhwani

25) Who won the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize?
Nadia Murad

26) On which nation, the International Court of Justice has ordered the United States to ease its sanction?

27) The Theme of the World Habitat Day (WHD)?
Municipal Solid Waste Management

28) Name the two countries who have reached a deal to replace NAFTA?
Canada and US

29) When was the mission Mahatma Gandhi's 150th birth year marking the initiation of the final year of SBM launched?

30) Which university has been declared as a cleanest university under swachh campus ranking 2018?
Maharishi Dayanand University Rohtak

31) Name the women Scientists who won Nobel prize 2018 in chemistry?
Frances. H. Aronald

32) Name the new president of Iraq?
Barham Salih

33) Recently, which union ministry won "Swachta hi Sewa" award?
Ministry of Railways

34) Name the Bank who has announced its cut daily ATM cash withdrawal limit to Rs 20,000?
State Bank of India from October 31st

35) Anil Basu, who was recently passed away, belongs to which field?

36) Name the 46th Chief Justice of India?
Ranjan Gogoi

37) Name the venue of the six edition of IBSAMAR i.e. a Joint Multinational exercise between South African, Indian and Brazilian navies?
Simon towns, South Africa

38) Cabinet has approved the establishment of a National Institute of Mental Health Rehabilitation in which place instead of Bhopal?
Sehore District

39) Who has emerged as the Indian richest man for the 11th consecutive years according to the Forbes Indian rich list 2018?
Mukesh Ambani

40) Name the country from where India is going to buy 5-400 Triumf Missile Systems?

41) Who has appointed as FIDE vice president?
DV Sundar

42) Foundation year of World Chess Federation?
20 July 1924

43) Who has been appointed as president of ICC (Indian Chemical Council)?
Vijay Shankar

44) Name the city where the First Assembly of the International Solar Alliance was inaugurated?

45) A national Level Entrepreneurship Awareness Campaign, Udyam Abhilasha in 115 Aspirational Districts, Who launched it?

46) Which State has become the first in India to give legal protection to good samaritans through a legislation?

47) Sanya Richards will be the event Ambassador for Airtel Delhi half marathon to be held on 21 October. She is from which country?

48) The Gandhara school of art is related to which Dynasties?

49) PTC India Ltd., BSE and which bank have come together to form India's third electricity exchange?

50) What is the name of Late Raj Kapoor's wife passed away?
Krishna Kapoor

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