Current Affairs May 2019 (2nd Week) || GK || SSC

Current Affairs May 2019 (2nd Week)

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1) In which country the Shangai Cooperation organization council of foreign minister's meeting will take place?

2) Who has been appointed as the new Chief Justice of Chattisgarh High Court?
Justice PR Ramachandra

3) For which Indian state, the Election Commission of India has allowed relaxation in the model code of conduct?

4) What is name of the mission under which KVIC has distributed more than lak of bee boxes among unemployed youth and farmers?
Honey Mission

5) Which country has contributed with India and signed an MoU for poultry farms improvement?

6) Who was honoured with St. George award through Kerala Church?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

7) Which country has introduced Ramzan Campaign for the welfare of people in Yemen?

8) 15th Finance Commission meeting with RBI was taken place in which city?

9) Who is the world's most followed politician according to the SEMrush report (Digital Marketing Platform)?
Barack Obama

10) Which nation has enforced stricter sanctions on Steel, Irans Iron, Copper and Aluminum Industry?

11) Who was appointed as the new Prime Minister of Mali?
Boubou Cisse

12) What was the theme of the world Red Cross Day that was observed on 8 may 2019?

13) Engineers of which IIT's have created a microprocessor which could decrease the country necessity on Imports and what is the name of that microprocessor?
IIT Bombay and the name of microprocessor is AJIT

14) Scientist from CSIR (Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology) has introduced the genetic study for the sake of people of which place?
Lakshadweep Island

15) Which country along with India have signed a protocol to export Indian chilli meal?

16) What is the rank of India in Asia-pacific on power index?

17) Who has been appointed by Google as the Head of India Cloud Business?
Nitin Bawankule

18) Who was sworn in as the new President of Costa Rica?
Carlos Alvarado

19) What is the rank of "PM Narendra Modi" according to Forbes' 2018 list of world's powerful people?

20) Who has become the 13th administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)?
Jim Bridenstine

21) Who has been elected as Vice-President of Geneva-based International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA)?
Rakesh Sharma

22) The International Thalassaemia Day was observed on which date?
8 May

23) Which airlines has introduced the world's first ever "Zero-waste" flight?

24) Who has been elected as a new chairman of IFFCO?
Balvinder Singh Nikai

25) World Migratory Bird Day was observed on which date?
11 May 2019

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