Current Affairs July 2019 (1st Week)
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1) National Doctor Day was observed on which date?
1st July
2) Goods and services day was observed in Indian on which date?
1st July except Jammu and Kashmir
3) Which space agency is setting up a Dragonfly Robot to examine life on Saturn?
4) Which company introduces a new project known as Navlekha to make their offline content online?
5) Who is the winner of Austrian Grand Prix 2019?
Max Verstappen
6) What is the name of an energy saving Application introduced by BYPL?
7) How many OBC castes have been appended in the Schedule caste list by Uttar Pradesh Government?
8) Who is the winner of women's single title of Eastbourne International Tennis Title 2019?
Karolina Pliskova
9) What is the name of the scheme approved by UGC as an initiative to boost research projects?
10) What is the name of an additional director of Jammu and Kashmir Bank, appointed by RBI?
AK Misra
11) The World UFO Day was observed on which date?
2nd July
12) The International Plastic Bag free day was observed on which date?
3rd July
13) Which country has recently officially banned single use plastic shopping bags?
New Zealand
14) Who has been confirmed as the New Chairman and Managing Director of BSNL?
PK Kumar
15) Who has been latterly re-appointed as the RBI's Deputy Director?
NS Vishwanathan
16) Who has been determined as the new chairman of Microfinance institutions networks?
Manoj Kumar Nambiar
17) The Dastak campaign was launched by which state?
Uttar Pradesh
18) Which country has inaugurated MGIT-BP recently?
Cote d'Ivoire
19) What is the full form of "ISALEXI9" i.e. a ISA's Joint Security exercise hosting by Abu Dhabi?
The International Security Alliances First Joint Exercise
20) Which district of Jammu and Kashmir has launched "Operation Khumaar" to build tabbaco free districts?

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