PHP Variables
0 5723
PHP Variables is very interesting, its just like a container. PHP Variables data transfer from one place to another place.
Note: PHP Variables start with $ sign.
Basic Example:
<?php $a= 20; echo $a; ?>
Result: 20
There are two types of Variables:
- Predefined Variable
- User define Variables
1. Predefined Variables:
These variables are available in PHP program. There is no need to declare and define these variable in the program.
These are following type of Predefined Variable.
Predefined Variables = Super Define Variables.
2. User define Variable:
This variable is declare and define by developers
For Example:
$ontime is a variable and 50 is a data and this data store in variable $num. So we can use this variable for print the value of 50 at any where as per requirement.
Benefit of PHP Variable: PHP automatically converts the variable to correct data type, depending on value.
<?php $a=30; $b=50; $c=$a+$b; echo "First Number is $a"."<br>"; echo "Second Number is $b"."<br>"; echo "Result is $c"; ?>
First Number is 30
Second Number is 50
Result is 80
Personal Recommendation: Check PHP Examples and start practicing.

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