Choosing the right no-contract broadband plan with unlimited data

Choosing the right no-contract broadband plan with unlimited data

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When it comes to stretching our broadband dollars in Australia, we have come a long way. We have broadband internet now for the simple reason that it has become more and more crucial to our lives - meaning our data usage is growing as well.

In the wake of the arrival of the NBN, unlimited data and higher speed tiers have become possible. For more information, visit

Which broadband plans offer the best no-contract options?

It was not uncommon to find unlimited plans in years past, however most of them were locked into 24-month contracts. In the past, finding a no-contract NBN plan was much more difficult.

Unless you are sure you will be staying in one place for a long time (and more and more people are renting nowadays), that might not be the best idea. Trying out an NBN provider to ensure their service meets your expectations is not ideal either.

Those were the days, and these are the days. Many reputable internet service providers offer no-contract unlimited broadband plans that are extremely affordable. When it comes to signing up for month to month plans, which is right for you?

Here we will look at the 10 best NBN no lock-in contract unlimited broadband plans for affordability and quality on the market right now.

Telstra Home Broadband

The gold standard for home broadband connections, Telstra Broadband is known for its strong technical performance backed by a powerful, vast network and is considered one of the best NBN service providers in Australia. Formerly, it was an expensive option with long contracts. However, that's no longer the case.

Dodo Broadband

Do you want both speed and flexibility from your NBN plan? The no-lock-in contract plans offered by Dodo Broadband clearly excel in these areas.

Due to the fact that you can leave anytime without incurring fees, new customers only need to pay a $60 setup fee and modem costs. NBN25, running on a typical evening speed of 25Mbps, starts at $65 per month with Dodo, but progresses all the way up to NBN100, running at 92Mbps for $85 per month.

What is the amount of data you need?

Nowadays, your broadband connection must handle all the demands you place on it. Not that long ago, you might have spent a little time surfing the web, chatting with friends on Facebook, and posting photos and videos to friends and family.

Even playing online video games had little impact on your data usage - all of these are relatively easy tasks that can be performed on any NBN connection.

There are many reasons why unlimited data and NBN no-contract are important

Plus, we have streaming music, video sites, photo sites, as well as mobile devices all around the house that have video and photos. You probably consume a lot of data if your connected life resembles this. It is not pleasant to receive a surprise bill at the end of the month, so an unlimited broadband plan is necessary to avoid such a situation.

When it comes to peace of mind, flexibility is also important. When you sign up for an internet plan, there are no cancellation fees to worry about if you have to stop.

In addition to unlimited data, your freedom to cancel without hassle (or early termination fees) is equally important. It makes complete sense, therefore, to get an internet service with no lock-in contracts.

Plan comparison for no-contract NBN internet!

If you're looking for an unlimited broadband, no-contract plan that suits your needs, you can compare the above options side by side to see direct comparisons, as well as find out what else is available, then use our constantly updated broadband comparison tool, where you can compare plans and narrow down your options to find the one that works best.

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