JPEG Full Form - Joint Photographic Experts Group

JPEG Full form - Joint Photographic Experts Group

by Devender

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What is the full form of JPEG or JPG?

The full form of JPG or JPEG is the Joint Photographic Experts Group. It is an accessible photographic image format that is produced and generated through digital photography.

JPEG Full Form: Joint Photographic Experts Group

The Joint Photographic Experts Group is the committee that created this standard. JPEG is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images as image information is lost during compression. The JPEG standard specifies how an image is compressed into a stream of bytes and decompressed back into an image.

It is the standard method of graphic images processing and is mostly used for its filename with the .jpg or .jpeg extension.

Features of JPEG

The JPEG was developed by the Joint Photographic Experts Group and it has some great features which are listed below.

  • It can be converted to many different formats
  • It is independent of resolution, image contents and aspect ratio
  • The JPEG file format is specified in ISO standard 10918
  • This scheme has 29 distinct coding processes
  • It compresses an image into a stream of bytes and decompresses it back into an image
  • Sharing of JPEG images is quick and efficient

  • How to compress JPEG Online

    Compressing an image is very essential, an image with a large size has the potential to bring down your website speed. As mentioned earlier, JPEG compression is a lossy compression where valuable bytes are lost and the image gets distorted. So, how to compress JPEG images?

    The best way to compress JPEG images online is with

  • What does TinyJPG do?
  • It reduces the size of your JPEG/JPG images by analyzing and applying the best possible JPEG encoding. It chooses the best optimal strategy for compressing your image.

  • Why should you use TinyJPG?
  • It is trusted by thousands of brands all over the world and is the most popular website for compressing JPEG images. Balancing quality and size has always been an issue but with TinyJPG, it becomes very easy.

    What is JPG, PNG Image Format?

    JPEG Pros and Cons


  • Extremely portable
  • Compatible with almost every image processing application
  • Compatible with most of the hardware devices
  • Can be reduced and compressed easily
  • Very easy to print these images
  • JPEG format images are high-resolution and fast-moving
  • Cons

  • JPEG Compression is a lossy compression
  • It doesn't support layered images
  • Only 8-bit images are supported
  • The Quality of the image gets reduced after compression


It can be concluded from the above facts that JPEG image format is good only if one is looking for small-sized, portable images without having any concern about image quality.

However, if one is looking for better alternatives, there are other formats such as PNG, GIF, etc. that are based on lossless compression providing better image quality and much more ease.

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