Do, Does and Did

Do, Does and Did

by Pooja Khurana

0 3039

Do you Action? : We use it in present. When we want to ask somebody that he/she does any action or not. Action can be anything like smoking/studying etc.

1. Do you smoke?
2. Do you tell a lie?
3. Do you scold your students?
4. Do you drive a car?

I do not action:
1. I do not Smoke.
2. I do not tell a lie.
3. I do not scold your students.
4. I do not drive a car.

I action:
1. Yes, I smoke.
2. Yes, I tell a lie to you.
3. Yes, I scold your students.
4. Yes, I drive a car.

Does he/she Action? : In present, we use 's' or 'es' with he/she/it. We use 's' or 'es' only once in a sentence whether there are two actions in a sentence. If there are two actions in a sentence then we would use 's' or 'es' with first one & after that we will not use it.

1. Does he get up early in the morning?
2. Does she appreciate classical music?
3. Does he listen to music?
4. Does he follow the rules of his school?
5. Does it look good?

He/She does not action:
1. He does not get up early in the morning.
2. She does not appreciate classical music.
3. He does not listen to music.
4. He does not follow the rules of his school.
5. It does not look good.

He/She Action +'s' or 'es' :
1. He gets up early in the morning.
2. She appreciates classical music
3. He listens to music.
4. He follows the rules of his school.
5. It looks good.

Did You Action? : We use it in past to ask somebody that he/she did any action or not.
1. Did you throw the garbage?
2. Did you steal the pen?
3. Did you tease others?
4. Did she solve the puzzle?
5. Did he beat the dog?
6. Did she bring provision from the departmental store?
7. Did he lend money?

I/He/She did not action:
1. I did not throw the garbage.
2. I did not steal the pen.
3. I did not tease others.
4. She did not solve the puzzle.
5. He did not beat the dog.
6. She did not bring provision from the departmental store.
7. He did net lend money.

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