What is Linux Hosting || How Linux Hosting use

What is Linux Hosting?


Linux is an UNIX based and open source platform that is basically used for Web hosting. LAMP is the most important feature of Linux. LAMP is an used for Linux, Apache, MySql, and PHP/Python. Linux Hosting give access to run the FTP, which you can upload the website files into server (remote site) through your computer.

  • Linux is secured and stable
  • Linux is easy to use
  • Linux supports PHP, JS, MySql etc.
  • Linux cheap plans, not costly like windows
  • Linux technical issues can easily resolve

Just main disadvantages is you can't run asp.net on Linux Platform. Because asp.net supports to windows operating system. In Linux, Apache is the web server, MySql is database, where store your data and PHP is the Object-Oriented Scripting Language.

Full Form of PHP: Hyper Text PreProcessor Language


WAMP - Windows, Apache, MySql and PHP

LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySql and PHP

MAMP - MAC, Apache, MySql and PHP

XAMPP - X-os, Apache, MySql, PHP/Perl

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